Trusted Contacts Google Android App

Trusted Contacts Google Android App

Trusted Contacts is a new app from Google that acts as a personal safety app. The app allows you to share your current location with a selected person(s) so they can see immediately where you are.

Trusted Contacts Google Android App

This sort of app is ideal for ensuring your children are safe, your partner is safe whilst they are out walking the dog late at night or your best friend is out in the country hiking, as well as many other applications. You can even contact a trusted contact and get them to follow you home using the app.

Trusted Contacts Google Android App

Once installed, you can assign “trusted” status to your closest friends and family. Once these are added your “trusted contacts” will now have the ability to see your activity status — whether you’ve moved around recently and are online — to quickly know if you’re OK.

Trusted Contacts Google Android App

So if you are out and about and suddenly feel unsafe, you can immediately share your actual location with your trusted contacts. And if your trusted contacts are really worried about you, they can request to see your location. If everything’s fine, you can deny the request. But if you’re unable to respond within a reasonable timeframe, your location is shared automatically and your loved ones can determine the best way to help you out. Of course, you can stop sharing your location or change your trusted contacts whenever you want.

Even if your phone goes offline due to the battery running out or you lose your signal it will still display your last known location.

Download from the Play Store

This will also be coming to iOS

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Source: Kodi Addons

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