Aeon MQ6 Isengard Release

The Aeon MQ6 skin for Isengard (15.0+) was released late last night. It is available through the Kodi repo. This release is more stable and uses less resources than any other version.

To Install:

  • Select SYSTEM
  • Select Appearance
  • Select Skin > Skin
  • Select Get More…
  • Select Aeon MQ 6

The skin will now install along with its dependencies. Select Yes when asked if you would like to the skin change. You can now play around with the skin.

Main Menu more stylish

Flexible Widgets

More Customisations

Music Visualisation (by Devilshura)

View PosterLite (by CutSickAss)

View Poster List

View Total Art

Added: New Extrapack script. (thanks to ronie)
Added: New Aeon MQ 6 UI Sounds script.
Added: More 3 My Menu. Now the skin have 5 My Menu.
Added: Main menu label/TvShows – Season number, episode number and tvshow title.
Added: Support to script Nextup Service Notification. (Netflix style)
Added: Windows – Video Info and Actor Info for Extended Info Script. (thanks to Angelinas)
Added: Option “go to full screen” when play a song. Available in Settings/Skin Settings/General.
Added: Flexible Widgets for main menu.
Added: Flags for countries.
Added: Icons for years.
Added: Style Selector for main menu.
Added: Option to load external ExtraPack.
Added: Transparency Palette for the Media Cases.
Added: New layout for Music Visualization. (thanks to Devilshura)
Added: Release Notes in Main Menu/Settings/Info Panel.
Added: Support to Extended Info script.
Added: Menu EXTRAS for show extended info content.
Added: Support to Arabic Fonts. (thanks to chakib)
Added: View Type Total Art.
Added: Media Flags for Video Studio.
Added: Media Flags for Music Record.
Added: Media Flag for Video – Top 250.
Added: Widget ‘Library Status’ for all sub categories: Movie/Tvshow/Concert and Music.
Added: Color Palette for the Media Labels and Bar (floor).
Added: Reset button for area. In customization window.
Added: Support for Cyrillic fonts. (thanks to Angelinas)
Added: View Type PosterList.
Added: Custom Home – Preview button for custom image background.
Added: View Type PosterLite. (thanks to CutSickAss)
Added: Main Menu/Settings – Info panel now is a Active panel.
Added: View Type ShowArt – Art size, default and big.
Added: Color Palette for the Styles (main menu bar).
Added: Color Palette for the Fonts – main menu.
Added: MPAA Rating in French. (thanks to Rififi77)
Added: Color Palettes have a ‘memory’ of last used color or transparency. User friend.
Added: New layout for Music Visualization – Available in OSD settings.
Improved: ExtraPack updated. Version 6.
Improved: New Weather Window. Forecast up to 16 days.
Improved: Default Background on Windows – Now the window keeps the image used in Main Menu, including Themes and custom image.
Improved: Dialog Video Info/Artist info access. Now you can use 2 x arrow down to see artist image and press Enter to see artist information.
Improved: View type Banner and Banner Info now offer support to seasons.
Improved: Code for Flexible Widgets/Extras. (thanks to Angelinas)
Improved: Code changes to improve compatibility with non-Windows systems.

Scripts installed during installation


Aeon MQ 6 extrapack by ronie
Artist Slideshow by ronie|pkscuot
Artwork Downloader by Martijn
CU LRC Lyrics by Taxigps|ronie
Favourites script by ronie|`Black
Global Search by ronie
Next Up Notifications by im85288
Random and Last items script by MikeBZH44, Martijn
Rom Collection Browser by carabalb, jimyx17, malte, redkiller
Skin Widgets by Martijn
TV Show – Next Aired by WayneD
ExtendedInfo Script by phil65
Service Library Data Provider by BigNoid
Toolbox by phil65

Other scripts that are supported but need manual installation are:

cdART Manager by Giftie
Advanced Launcher by Angelscry
Artwork Organizer by ronie
Script Skin Info Service by phil65
Cinema Vision by CinemaVision-Scott
Library Editor Script by phil65
TvTunes by robwebset by Razze
Video Extras by robwebset

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Source: Kodi Addons

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