How to Install Trakt ContextMenu Kodi

The Trakt Contextmenu add-on for Kodi is a very handy add-on for Trakt users. It adds an entry to the context menu when opened in your video library giving you quick access to:

  • Add to Watchlist
  • Rate TV Show/Episode/Film
  • Toggle Watched
  • Synchronize Library

The add-on is available through the Kodi repository.

To Install:

  • Select SYSTEM

  • Select Add-Ons

  • Select Install from repository or Get Add-Ons on Helix

  • Select Kodi Add-on repository

  • Select Context items

  • Select Trakt – Contextmenu

  • Select Install

  • Wait for Add-on enabled notification

Trakt – Contextmenu is now installed.

To use the add-on

  • In your TV/Film library you can highlight a show/episode/film and open the Context Menu

  • Select Trakt Options

  • Choose which Trakt Option you wish to change

Add to Watchlist – Adds the selected show/episode/film to your Trakt Watchlist

Rate This Show/Episode/Movie – Send your rating of a file/episode/show to your Trakt account

Toggle Watched – Marked/Unmark as watched in your Trakt Account/Video Library

  • Synchronize – Select this and your Trakt account will synchronise with your library (all content marked as watched/rated on Trakt will be marked as watched/rated in Kodi and vice versa)

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Source: Kodi Addons

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