cCloud Upload Community Guide

Here are the Official cCloud Uploading video Tutorial & a step-by-step guide from Richard (copied verbatim) of The Kodi Communityfollow Richard on Twitter for more guides.

The creator of cCloudTV (Community Cloud TV built by the community for the community) @ccloudbane is trying to unite the Kodi community by kicking off an ambitious project. Bane has created a completely new framework for the cCloud add-on with which Bane would like you the community help keep the streams updated, the theory being the more people inputting the information the more stable cCloud IPTV will become. The framework he has created will allow this to happen by letting users upload working streams that they have found from the internet.

What will i need to do this i hear you ask? Well the only things you will need are as follows:

  • Computer – VLC Player and VLC Streamer – ADB (to prevent ads)
  • Google
  • The ability to copy and paste
  • Patience

There are currently two methods to update streams. Both will be detailed below.

Method 1

Step 1. Locate a working stream (using Google you can search for iptv links m3u8 and find hundreds of links). This is where the patience comes in. The link must have M3U8 within it and look something like this.

Step 2. Test stream using VLC Streamer which can be found here. Please note this only appears to work on the Mozilla Firefox browser.

Enter link into box.

Then select enter. If the link does not start it means the link is dead.

Step 3. If link is working go to cCloudtv here

Step 4. Select Upload.

Step 5. You should now have the following screen.

Step 6. Enter the following details. Channel Name, Category, Language, Stream URL, Channel Logo and finally Nickname. As seen below.

Step 7. Once done select submit. When file is uploaded the server will check to see if the link you submitted is active. If it is active it will then be added to cCloud. If it is a dead link it will be denied, hence the reason for the testing phase.

Method 2

Step 1. Go to cCloudtv here and select the operating system you are currently using. In this instance i am using Windows.

Step 2. If you have read and understood the guide select Yes to continue.

Step 3. Just to make sure select Yes to continue.

Step 4. This will now bring up a list of channels with a few columns of additional information. The one we are interested in is the Status column. There are 4 statuses the most important 2 that the community can help with are in bold.

  • Online
  • Offline/Upload
  • Submit/Upload
  • Unknown

As you can see below.

Step 5. For this blog we are interested in the second status. Select Offline/Upload

Step 6. This will now generate a channel token which you will need to copy.

Then select Ok.

Step 7. This will now open a new window. Paste the token into the top box.

Then enter the stream Url you have found for this channel. Then click on Update Url. After link is submitted:

  • The server will go through process of checking the status for the submitted link. If the link is online and is in m3u8, then it will get published to cCloud’s server where cloud will send data to cCloud TV web app, plex and kodi. Then all users will get updated link and of course the status for that specific channel will say online after the process.
  • If the link is in wrong format or if it’s offline then it will be denied by the server.

Without stable streams the IPTV services will not last long, hence Bane’s passion for his ambitious project, which in my humble opinion is a great idea if we can get the community to help. Future updates will include the option to upload multiple links and update streams from within the add-on along with other formats. Having gone through the process with the Bane I believe in order to help it would be beneficial to check the status of the streams before hand. Then locate a working stream. His team are currently looking for good international streams especially from US and UK.

Should you wish to install cCloud please find a guide here

Don’t forget you can use cCloud on numerous formats as suggested on the website. Just select the relevant device and pick a channel.

Check out my other Kodi posts; you’ll find plenty to improve your Kodi experience

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Source: Kodi Addons

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