Grand Theft Auto Build for Kodi

Dicko the Geordie has done another fantastic build/skin for Kodi users. Below are some screenshots from the build. Follow him on Twitter for updates and news on more skin releases.

The build can be installed via the Community Portal – Use this guide to install the Community Portal if you don’t already have it. You will need to register at the Noobs and Nerds website and login to your account in the Community Portal add-on settings to access the Community Builds. You will also need to enable xxx content in settings to see this add-on.

The skin is built on the extremely popular Aeon Nox SiLVO Mod.


Links to Genesis movie navigator. Links in sub-menu are: Genesis Most Popular; Genesis in Theatres; Mutts Nuts; SALTS; Genesis Search

TV Shows

Links to Genesis TV show navigator. Links in sub-menu are: Genesis Most Popular; Genesis New TV Shows; Genesis TV Genres; SALTS; Genesis TV Search

Live TV

Links to iVue TV Guide. Links in sub-menu are: UK Turk; Phoenix TV; Project Cypher; Dexter TV; Robocop; cCloud; UK TV; US TV


Links to MoneySports add-on. Links in sub-menu are: Sportsdevil; MoneySports; UK Turk Sports; Phoenix Sports; Robocop;


Links to Music add-ons. Links in sub-menu are: UK Turk Radio; Bin@ural; MP3 Streams; Rock Concerts


Links to Phoenix. Sub menu links to all sections of Phoenix.


Links to Navi-X. No sub-menu items


Links to YouTube. No sub-menu items



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Check out my other Kodi posts; you’ll find plenty to improve your Kodi experience

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Remember to Check Out with the Code PREMIER2015

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Source: Kodi Addons

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