Seal Video/Audio Downloader for Android, based on yt-dlp, designed with Material You.
This is a great little app for your Android phone that allows you to quickly paste a link from places like YouTube, Twitter & Instagram (and many more) and then extract the video or just the audio.

Seal Features
- Download videos and audio files from video platforms supported by yt-dlp (formerly youtube-dl). A full list of platforms that support yt-dlp can be found here.
- Embed metadata and video thumbnail into extracted audio files supported by mutagen.
- Download all videos in a playlist with one click.
- Use embedded aria2c as external downloader for all your downloads.
- Embed subtitles into the downloaded videos.
- Execute custom yt-dlp commands with templates.
- Manage in-app downloads and custom command templates.
- Easy to use and user-friendly.
- Material Design 3 style UI, with dynamic color theme.
- MAD: UI and logic written with pure Kotlin. Single activity, no fragments, only composable destinations.
You can join the Seal Telegram Group to see details on new features that will be added in new updates by using this link. Alternatively you can join the Seal Matrix Space using this link.
To download you can go to their relases page on Github using this link and then scroll towards the bottom. For most users it is recommended to use the